Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program

Be empowered for the job you love

  • Pre-Apprenticeship & Registered Apprenticeship Programs
    Creates a reliable pipeline of skilled talent
  • Industry Leading Partners
    Bring an established track record of success
  • Strong network of 10+ affiliates
    Expanding to additional affiliates soon
MMTC and NUL Host National Apprenticeship Week Events November 15th and 16th in Charlotte, NC

Celebrate the U.S. Department of Labor's National Apprenticeship Week with the National Urban League (NUL), the Urban League of Central Carolinas (ULCC), and Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC) on November 15th and 16th at the Carolinas Alliance for Success in Education (CASE) Summit hosted by Johnson C. Smith University. The theme of this year's CASE Summit is "HBCUs as Engines for Economic Growth Communication. Collaboration. Competitiveness." Visit the U.S Department of Labor's National Apprenticeship Week website for more information: www.dol.gov/apprenticeship/naw.

Event 1: The National Urban League’s Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program (UAJP): A Community-Based Partnership to Advance Registered Apprenticeship
Date:  Thursday, November 15, 2018: 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM
Speakers:  Ronald Marlow, Maurita Coley Flippin

Join Ronald Marlow, NUL Vice President of Workforce Development, and Maurita Coley Flippin, MMTC President, for the “The National Urban League’s Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program (UAJP): A Community-Based Partnership to Advance Registered Apprenticeship,” a community forum that will be held on November 15 from 6:45-7:45 p.m. Marlow will speak on the UAJP’s efforts to advance registered apprenticeship and the progress made by the HBCU Apprenticeship Consortium in partnership with NAFEO.

Event 2: Broadband and Innovative Partnership Resources
Date:  Friday, November 16, 2018: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Speakers:  Teddy McDaniel, Maurita Coley Flippin

Learn about “Broadband and Innovative Partnership Resources” from Teddy McDaniel, ULCC President, and Maurita Coley Flippin, MMTC President, on November 16th from 2-3:30 p.m. During this panel, McDaniel and Coley Flippin will discuss ULCC’s successful broadband installation apprenticeship program in Charlotte and its recruitment of HBCU students and prospective employers, the various ways ULCC might work with the Carolinas’ HBCUs, and NUL's U.S. Department of Labor-funded UAJP and its partnership with MMTC.

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Blog: National Apprenticeship Week

On November 15th and 16th, 2018, in recognition of the Department of Labor's National Apprenticeship Week, the National Urban League (NUL) and the Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC) amplified the importance of registered apprenticeships for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) during the Carolinas Alliance for Success in Education (CASE) Broadband Summit, themed “HBCUs as Engines for Economic Growth: Smart HBCUs Disrupting the Digital Divide - Connecting Campuses to Communities through Broadband,” in Charlotte, North Carolina....

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Apprenticeship Opportunities

Affiliates Network

Employers Network

Sponsorship Opportunities

About Program

The mission of the National Urban League movement is to empower African Americans and other residents of urban communities to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights. Our vision is “Every American has access to jobs with living wage and good benefits.”

Funded by the United States Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship, NUL is an equity contractor for Registered Apprenticeship Programs. The primary objective of the Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program is to expand access to and opportunities within registered apprenticeship programs on the part of people of color and women. Specifically, NUL is targeting efforts in the following industries: construction, telecommunications, information technology, manufacturing, transportation and health care.

The Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program supports the diverse community of companies that make up the nation’s apprenticeship ecosystem by providing employers, industry associations, and the industry with dedicated resources, advocacy, expertise and networking through a variety of activities and events. NUL apprenticeship subject matter expertise are located locally across 30+ affiliates.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

Programs designed to cultivate opportunities in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector.

Wireless Infrastructure Apprenticeship Access Initiative (WIAAI) Consortium

Top 5 Benefits of Registered Apprenticeship for Businesses

1) Reliable Pipeline: RA creates a reliable pipeline of skilled talent for specific business needs. In particular, the on-the-job training feature of RA ensures that the apprentice is trained for the specific skills that are needed and desired by the employer.

2) Recruitment and Retention: The RA model improves recruitment and, therefore, retention by enabling businesses to overcome recruitment challenges while at the same time achieving a higher retention rate at the end of the program by having a “trial run” with the prospect.

3) Industry Recognition and Commitment: Participation in RA enables businesses to be recognized in the industry and sets than apart from competition. Also, it reinforces their commitment to help improve American workforce.

4) Improves Global Competitiveness: RA strengthens the capacity of employers to compete in the global economy. Also, RA provides a unique platform to retain specialized job skills training. Many skills required for some unique occupations cannot be taught in the classroom and could become obsolete if RA model is not available.

5) Diversity Commitment: RA gives the employer a sense of belonging in an elite network of employers/businesses/industries who value the importance of investing in local and diverse workforce.

Value of Registering an Apprenticeship Program with DOL

1) Apprenticeships increase staff loyalty and retention: Apprenticeships encourage employees to think of their job as a career and to stay with the company for a longer period of time.

2) Apprenticeships free up existing staff time: As a business grows, existing staff often find their time is taken up by smaller task which could be delegated to an apprentice. This allows the apprentice to learn and assume more responsibility. Existing staff is then free to focus on key areas of their work.

3) Apprenticeships demonstrate a positive approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A company that is willing to invest in people by supporting apprenticeships demonstrates a clear commitment to corporate social responsibility goals which is good for attracting both customers and future high-quality staff.

4) Standardizes Job Requirements: Defining occupations through DOL’s guideline helps standardize the job requirements for positions common across multiple industries.

How can Registered Apprenticeship help employers increase diversity in their workplace?

1) Connects Jobs and Communities: RA helps employers to increase overall diversity by connecting local communities with jobs that are unique to their geographic region which they understand better.

2) Facilitates Partnerships: RA helps employers to improve diversity in their workforce by partnering with Equity Partners like the National Urban League, which has affiliates located nationwide, and promoting the RA programs through their regional centers.

3) Pipeline of Diverse Candidates: Most employers have their own goals for diversity and inclusion, but they are not able to reach the numbers due to lack of qualified candidates. RA provides a unique opportunity to hire from a diverse talent pool, and train them through RTI and on-the-job training, increasing the likelihood that they will meet their diversity goals.

Other benefits of Registered Apprenticeship (for States, job seekers etc):

1) Lowers Unemployment: RA lowers the unemployment rate (county and state level)

2) Increases Median Salary and Tax Revenue: RA increases the median salary for the region (and in return increases tax revenue for local government)

Program Partners


The National Urban League is a historic civil rights organization dedicated to economic empowerment in order to elevate the standard of living in historically underserved urban communities. Founded in 1910 and headquartered in New York City, the National Urban League spearheads the efforts of its local affiliates through the development of programs, public policy research and advocacy. Today, the National Urban League has 88 affiliates serving 300 communities, in 36 states and the District of Columbia, providing direct services that impact and improve the lives of more than 2 million people nationwide.

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The Wireless Infrastructure Apprenticeship Access Initiative under the National Urban League’s Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program is designed to cultivate opportunities in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. The National Urban League leads a national group of organizations working with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeships to develop national and regional “opportunity partnerships” that expand Registered Apprenticeships.

Two national partners – Wireless Infrastructure Association and Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC), along with seven Urban League Affiliates collectively have a wide variety of services and expertise that employers may consider as resources to support implementation and future expansion of their Registered Apprenticeship Program.

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The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that develop, build, own and operate the nation's wireless infrastructure. Members include wireless carriers, infrastructure providers, and professional services firms that collectively own and operate telecommunications facilities around the globe. Through public affairs and advocacy efforts – on the local, state and federal level – WIA works to support the widespread deployment of wireless infrastructure in order to enable wireless broadband everywhere.​

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The Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC) is a non-partisan, national nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving equal opportunity and social justice in the mass media, telecom and broadband industries, and closing the digital divide. With a 30-year track record of increasing diversity in media and telecommunications access, ownership, and employment, MMTC is generally recognized as the nation’s leading advocate for multicultural advancement in communications.

MMTC develops and implements the curriculum, technical assistance, and training and marketing materials for DOL-approved occupations under the WIAAI Consortium, and conducts program evaluation.​

Download & Resources

Workplace Diversity Consultation

A team of workplace diversity professionals provide private consultations to help assess employer needs, address challenges, and achieve desired workplace diversity and inclusion outcomes. Tools may include Affirmative Action Plan Guidance, EEO Fact Sheets, Webinars, and Process Checklists.

Other Resources


  • From May 21st, 2018
    To May 24th, 2018

    National Urban League Wireless Infrastructure Apprenticeship Access Initiative Members Host and Join Workforce and Apprenticeship Sessions at Connectivity Expo

Learn about UAJP on homepage of US Department of Labor website

Making a Difference? Helping People Get Job?

Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program helps people bringing closer to get a job they love

Affiliates Network

Affiliates of the National Urban League are the centers of activity in and around their community. Found in 36 states across the U.S., including the District of Columbia. UAJP has been expanded to 11 affiliates across the nation.